Welcome To The 7th Column!

Welcome To The 7th Column!

Before the Seventh Column, there was Bungie. Bungie spoke of World Domination. Those who saw the wisdom of the Bungie Way agreed that Bungie World Domination was a good thing, and waited patiently. But Bungie's schedule is vague; world domination, and the consequent benefits for right-thinking people around the world, is only promised "Soon?." But for many of us, Soon? has not come soon enough. Thus the Seventh Column was born, to help Bungie pave the way. How will we do this? By networking the Bungie fan community, door to door, street to street, city to city and nation to nation. Bringing the community together in person and in spirit through gatherings and the internet, strengthening their resolve with exclusive Bungie swag, and providing new avenues for their intelligence, dedication and creativity.

Community 11/15/2001 1:31 AM PST permalink

Hosting a LAN Party

Hosting a LAN Party

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Community 11/14/2001 8:11 AM PST