Multiplayer Map Pack Released!
Posted by Sketch at 7/5/2005 11:10 AM PDT
The Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack should now be available in retail stores across the planet. The disc itself contains nine Halo 2 maps, a bonus cinematic, a behind-the-scenes documentary and all Halo 2 auto-updates. More information about the disc itself can be found over at [url=][/url]. [b]Downloading via Xbox Live[/b] Xbox Live members can download the five new maps right now for $11.99. If you have questions or problems regarding downloadble content, please check this handy [url=]FAQ[/url] created by Xbox Live's Major Nelson. (current version is pasted below) All five new maps will become free Xbox Live downloads starting on August 30th. The first four maps - Containment, Turf, Sanctuary and Warlock are already avaialble as free downloads. [b]Playing New Maps on Live[/b] Currently, the five new maps can only be played on Xbox Live via custom games between players who have the maps installed on thier Xbox. Our current plan is to update the matchmaking playlists on Monday, July 11th. At that time, all five new maps will be added to the "Team Preview" and "Rumble Preview" playlists. In addition, the old premium maps Sanctuary and Turf will be added back into the "free" playlists. Why didn't we do this immediately? We have to stagger the playlist update for a number of reasons but most importantly, we want to give players time to get the new maps installed. All five will be available for matchmade play in just a few more days. [b]Downloadable Content FAQ from[/b] The following FAQ was created by Major Nelson at to address common questions and issues regarding downloadable content. The original FAQ can be found [url=]here.[/url] [b]Q: Help...I can't download the maps. I can download free content, but I can't seem to download premium content![/b] A: If you can download free content, and not the premium content...the problem most likely resides in your credit card or billing information you have given to Xbox Live. Specifically, the card we have on file may have expired, or your bank may have declined the authorization to purchase or your billing information is out dated. You'll need to update your credit card information with a valid credit card that can handle the charge you put against it and make sure that your billing information is accurate. Instructions to update this information can be found [url=]HERE.[/url] [b]Q: I can't seem to download either the free or the premium maps. What do I do?[/b] A: Assuming that you can connect to Xbox Live and your billing/credit card information is correct (see above) then this may be a problem with your connection. Read the Troubleshooting Connection Issues [url=]Guide[/url] on for help. [b]Q: I did all that and I still can't download any premium content.[/b] A: Make sure you (or your parents) have not disabled purchasing of premium content. To enable purchases, go to your Xbox Live dashboard, then go to Account Management. Then, go to Account Settings. You'll need the last four digits of the credit card used to open this account to proceed. Once you punch in the last four digits of the credit card. You'll be able to get to the next screen. On this next screen, make sure Premium Purchases are enabled. [b]Q: I need to check my billing info, but what if I can't remember the last 4 digits of the credit card I used to create my account? I can't edit my billing information without that.[/b] A: Call 1-800-4MYXBOX. Customer Support can ask you a few questions to confirm your identity, then provide the last 4 numbers they have on file. [b]Q: I want to download only one of the maps in the premium pack, can I just get the one map? [/b] A: No, they are only available as a package. [b]Q:Can I copy the content I download to an MU to take with me?[/b] A: No. [b]Q: If I have (insert number here) Xbox's at I need to purchase the content for each one, or can I copy it to them once I purchase it on one of my boxes? [/b] A: You'll need to purchase the DLC for each box you want to use the content on. [b]Q: My internet connection went down/failed in the middle of the download I purchased. If I start again, will I be charged twice ?[/b] A: No. You can go back in and continue to download and be confident that you won't be charged again (even though you had to authorize the purchase the second time when you went into, that was only to continue where you left off. ) [b]Q:My box broke, and I need to get a new one. I went to (insert favorite retailer here) and got a new can I get the maps I already purchased onto the new box. [/b] A: You will need to purchase the content again. Premium content is tied to the Xbox it was downloaded on NOT the gamertag.
Top 10: Online Multiplayer Console Games 

Posted by urk at 11/3/2010 9:21 AM PDT

ScrewAttack shows us some love.

If you're not familiar with what ScrewAttack does, it's about time you got acclimated. And what better way to introduce yourself than with a video where they sing our praises? Bam!

Cover your ears if you aren't into naughty language. Thanks to HBO for pointing us in the right direction.

Tags: Halo 2 (Xbox)


Backwards From Dawn, Part 1 

Posted by urk at 4/20/2010 9:17 AM PDT

I Hardly Knew Thee...

Forward Unto Dawn is taking a look back at Halo 2 with a fresh perspective. Get your own eyes on at the jump below. Thanks to HBO for the heads up (and the bandwidth).

I Hardly Knew Thee...

Tags: Halo 2 (Xbox)


One Final Effort 

Posted by urk at 4/16/2010 1:51 PM PDT

There are those who said this day would never come...

Read Full Top Story

Tags: Halo 2 (Xbox)



Posted by urk at 4/15/2010 10:10 AM PDT

Halo 2 is still going strong!

Looks like the Xbox LIVE team has yet to flip the switch. Halo 2 is still online and operational. If you're looking to get some last minute games in, now's the time - there's no telling when it's going down!

Tags: Halo 2 (Xbox)


Walshy's 2nd - Halo 2 Montage 

Posted by urk at 4/15/2010 9:19 AM PDT

Goodbye to you.


"This is the amazing Walshy's second montage on youtube. No description needed, but I'll give one anyway. Walshy is an amazing Halo 2 player, and is on one of the best teams, Final Boss, with players like him, Ogre 1, Ogre 2, and Strongside. This montage is a very honest montage with great editing and gameplay. Many snipes, sticks, multikills, and no scopes etc. I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment for me to read!?"

YouTube - Walshy - 2nd Halo 2 Montage

Tags: Halo 2 (Xbox)



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