Roger's Recon Hunt
Posted by urk at 7/7/2009 9:02 AM PDT
Since we know not everyone has access to an Xbox 360 for Bungie Day, Roger thought it would be cool to run a contest for Recon. If you were planning on spending the rest of the day wallowing in your own terrible misery while everyone else jumped into Halo 3’s Matchmaking for their shot at Recon, it’s time to dry those tears and get focused - iIt’s puzzle time.

Roger as "Outermage." Costume design: K. Thaler

Here’s the details, straight from the Wolf himself:

Hi everyone,

It's Bungie Day, and I feel like handing out some Recon. So let me tell you a story...

There's a cool event that happens every year or so at Microsoft called Puzzlehunt. Teams of a dozen, many of whom work at Microsoft, spend an entire weekend without sleep solving puzzles created by that year's hosts, fitting into a theme. Two years ago (when we were still at Microsoft), the team hosting Puzzlehunt 11 invited me to join them in writing game-themed puzzles. How could I resist coding a puzzle into the stats result of a made-up game of Halo 2? What's more, the guys at RvB were about to stop by for an early look at Halo 3, so I whipped up a quick script and asked if they'd perform and record it. They were happy to, and it became the intro to this puzzle.

The puzzle been sitting, hidden, on for almost two years since then, so just for fun, we'll let you take a crack at it for a chance to win Recon. Be warned: it's not at all easy, since it's meant to be a challenge to the types of people in and around Microsoft who spend a weekend each year solving puzzles for 36 hours straight. But it is solvable, since most of the teams got it.
Keep reading to see how you can get Recon.

The theme for this Puzzlehunt was Tron - teams were zapped into the computer by an evil program, and had to solve puzzles to do battle with him, and eventually escape with the help of friendly video game programs they'd meet along the way. This video introduced the Halo puzzle:

Red vs. Blue: How About a Nice Game of Tag?

Players were then directed to this page, which is the puzzle itself. You don't need to navigate away from this page to solve it. Just click the links that change what you see in the main image.

Want to play for recon? We've set up a account to receive your answer. Simply send a private message to this user with your answer as the subject. The answer is a single word. We'll search through the PMs and give Recon to the first five correct answers who we deem to be provided by legitimate solvers (so don't write a script to submit a word list! And we'll check for answers automatically, so be sure to spell correctly.) We’ll also pull a couple of random users with the correct answer out of the pile too, so if you don’t get it right away, keep at it until you have it solved.

Employees of Bungie or Microsoft, participants in Puzzlehunt 11, or others who have had similar exposure to the correct answer, are not eligible. Players who post the puzzle answer to our public forums, share it via PM, or otherwise distribute the answer will be banned from both winning Recon and from Plus, they’ll only be hurting their own chances by adding more players to the random drawing.  Oh, and there's a discussion thread attached to this article.  Please use it.

Happy Hunting.

Last Chance to Buy Bungie Pro (Updated!) 

Posted by urk at 8/24/2011 1:57 PM PDT

Details inside.

As part of Halo’s transition to Microsoft management, Bungie Pro will soon be going dark. On September 15th, we’ll stop offering the current 6-month subscriptions, and full support will be phased out around March 22nd, 2012.

What happens after September?

Bungie Pro Video will only be offered in pay-as-you-go form, via the Render Minute Packs available through, and you’ll no longer need to be a Pro member to buy them.

More information about the last time to use up your minutes will be available after that March date, but you’ll have until then for sure.

We will NOT be removing Pro features, including expanded File Shares or Bungie Pro Nameplates for any Pro accounts that expire after 9/15, and Microsoft has let us know that once that last Pro subscriptions have expired they intend to allow you to retain your 24 File Share slots.

A Word on Using Protection 

Posted by urk at 8/15/2011 9:46 AM PDT

Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

Xbox LIVE Security has notified us of an internet creeper who's registered a fake website to try and trick you into divulging your personal information. Bungie will never ask you for your account credentials and you should never divulge your personal information, especially to online asshats. Goes Read-Only [Complete!] 

Posted by sawnose at 5/31/2011 10:45 AM PDT

urk writes:

[Override issued]
Access... Granted!

Anything that requires, sign-in (including forums, private groups and messaging, etc.) will be offline for a few hours today while our online team performs some "scheduled maintenance." Remember that cheeseburger you stuffed under the couch cushion? Yeah, we have to clean that up.

As soon as our systems are back online and fully functioning, we'll let you know. Until then, please continue to stare blankly into your monitors.

edit:  As "a few" people might have noticed in the past several hours, we're fully-functional again.

Bungie Beta Tester Survey Relaunched 

Posted by urk at 4/19/2011 4:17 PM PDT

Back and better than ever!

If you’re interested in spilling your guts about your gameplay habits, the possibility of learning about our next game first, or even being recruited for bona fide beta testing, you should participate by clicking “Beta Tester Signup” from the Games menu above, or by clicking on the fancy new status bar in your profile.

Rendered Video Traffic Jam 

Posted by urk at 4/4/2011 1:56 PM PDT

Give it a minute. It's going to space!

We're totally sorry that your rendered videos are moving at a snail's pace. We ran into some technical difficulties over the weekend, and while we've our online team got everything all fixed up, it is going to take a little while before things are moving at optimal levels again. The Hydra is chewing through a sizable backlog right now.

Apologies for the delay. Still friends?


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